Butterflies Blog Posts Skin Kind – Environmentally Friendly

Skin Kind – Environmentally Friendly

Personal health, the environment and sustainability are important parts of the Butterflies’ culture.

The vagina is one of the most absorbent and sensitive parts of the female body. The arteries, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are abundant in the vaginal wall. When it comes to choosing sanitary products, HOW SAFE IS SAFE?

When popular sanitary products host an array of ingredients such as alcohols, fragrance additives, bleaching agents, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic ingredients such as rayon and BPA, how discerning should we be when choosing our favourite products/brands?

What will become of them when we dispose of our products? Will they remain on the earth and in the sea for some decades/centuries to come?

We feel that these are important questions to ask.

Butterflies is happy to see the emergence of so many skin kind & environmentally friendly sanitary companies and brands now in the market.






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